Pest Management Inc

New Weapon Aimed At Bed Bugs – Heat Holds Hope For Help Amid Growing Infestations

By Jim Swift – KXAN Austin, TX – July 22, 2010 AUSTIN (KXAN) – In one of the bedrooms of a University of Texas area housing co-op, a technician stares at a computer screen. It’s covered with readouts from sensors placed in other rooms up and down the hall. The sensors monitor the heat in each

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Lenny, The Bed Bug Sniffing Dog Trained To Sniff Out Bed Bugs Is Latest Employee of Pest Control Company

SAN ANTONIO — Lenny, an energetic Jack Russell terrier, has a job that can make your skin crawl. He sniffs out blood-sucking bedbugs. Canines are the latest four-legged weapon in the battle against the six-legged parasites. “He’s been trained to sense the bedbugs with his nose,” said Mark Stanford, manager at Pest Management Corp (a

Lenny, The Bed Bug Sniffing Dog Trained To Sniff Out Bed Bugs Is Latest Employee of Pest Control Company Read More »

Bedbug Busters: How The Bed Bug Epidemic Could Take A Major Bite Of Real Estate

Texas real estate investors, pay attention to Sarah McElwee. Know how bedbugs are invading our homes, offices, stores, dorms, theaters, churches and even our food system? Sarah wants to change real estate leases because of bedbugs. The woman is on a mission I am holding in high regard these days: she wants to stave off

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Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs, Man’s Best Friend In Fight Against Bed Bugs

There is no way around it, our four legged canine buddies are indeed our best friends, and they are proving this fact once again.  Bed bugs are becoming an increasingly huge problem for people everywhere and bed bug sniffing dogs are coming to the rescue.  Travelers are picking them up both overseas and in hotels around the

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Rising Concern About Bedbugs Spurs Rise In Pest Control Calls In Austin

Austin pest control companies have received a boost in business in recent months from property owners who believe they may have blood-sucking bedbugs in their homes and offices. And they expect those calls to keep coming. Nevertheless, Brian DiCicco, CEO of Pest Management Inc., said the problem has stayed under the radar in Texas, although

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Preventing A Bed Bug Infestation When You Return Home From Traveling

Bed bug infestations continue to increase every year, and this can pose a stressful problem if your home becomes infected. Bed bug bites can cause rashes, itchiness, and possible severe allergic reactions depending on how your body reacts to a bite. Unfortunately, humans can not feel a bed bug biting them, so you can be

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